No negative talk!

Wear the Shorts!

Coach Dannii

As you know, we have been celebrating our ‘Wear the Shorts’ campaign hard this month and there is a big reason why that is.

We want all of you, yes ALL, to feel empowered. To feel confident about your body. To stop feeling you ‘have to hide’ behind baggy clothes or feeling you must be covered all the time. You don’t!

You all know I’ve been a big advocate for getting your arms and legs out if you want to. Often arguing with a lot of you about what are ‘decent’ or ‘right’ or ‘the right shape’ arms and legs. What!? What are these? Even I don’t know what ‘decent’ legs are!

Now, I know a lot of you will be sat there thinking, well you have the ‘right’ legs Dannii. I know this because it’s usually the response I get on the circuit. But did you know that even I didn’t think I had the ‘right’ legs? Even I thought they were not slim enough or toned enough. But then I realised I was comparing myself to ridiculous ‘beauty’ standards that are just not achievable or a true representation of all women. Of all shapes and sizes. Of all body compositions.

Because guess what? We are not all made up the same way! We are designed to look different. So why do we hold ourselves to look only a certain way? It’s not going to happen.

Therefore, it is our duty as women, representing the normal, beautiful everyday woman, to show what true beauty standards are. Varied. Unique. Inclusive and individual.


Don’t be swayed by the “perfect” image


It’s not just about the shorts