What Can one Criticism do to us?
I often think how much a negative comment can impact on the rest of our day. Sometimes a comment said in jest can result in us feeling so different to how we felt before the comment was delivered. Sometimes the person saying the negative comment has no idea of the impact it can have on our day. We can start off feeling on top of the world and just a flippant comment from our partner/friends/children/colleagues can affect us for many hours, sometimes days

It’s Time to be Kinder (to yourself!)
I have been SO guilty of this in the past. I’m not saying I’m totally over it now. But women are just SO hard on themselves about weight. About the numbers on the scales. It really upset me when I see how much the ladies at Curves criticise themselves when we do Coaching and Accountability. I was doing another lady’s measurements last month and glanced up to see the ladies waiting and they both looked so sad. So ready to criticise and slate themselves.
Why do we do this?

“Whatever you are doing in this decade is going to help you in your next”
There’s absolutely no doubt that our bodies change when we go through the menopause or as we near it. It’s not an “illness”. It just happens to us all and some ladies sail through it and some ladies really suffer mentally and physically.
There are days when I jump out of bed and could clean the house from top to bottom and there are other days when I think everything aches and I cannot get going. Yes this is ME! Tigger!

It’s never as bad as you think…
What am I talking about?
Getting on the scales of course!
If they fill you dread then I’ll admit that the experience of being weighed may meet all your (terrible) expectations BUT, and you’ll have to bear with me here, it’s not the number that’s the problem.
Let me explain.

Engage Your Brain for Stronger Muscles.
Sometimes we joke about “going to your happy place” in your mind while you are working out, but there is some truth here, and some benefit.
Rather than it being a dissociative process, “zoning out” can mean a person is focused in their own present moment, they’re really paying attention to how the machine is feeling and the muscles that are being worked, and that’s a good thing.

Why you should get your name in lights…
Each month we celebrate with two lists – Top Attenders and Top Goal Setter Go Getter, and we do a prize draw of all the names in each list and the winner gets a t-shirt.
Hands down, the ladies who get on those lists get more satisfaction from their workouts and they enjoy them more, and that means, they stay motivated.

Get your RAS on board!
The real answer to where your motivation lies is, it’s in your RAS, and if you make friends with it, it will help you achieve all sorts of things you may have struggled with in the past.
High 5 Yourself!
The fact is, you probably know that high fives motivate but when do you ever cheer for yourself? Also, what are you waiting for, what will it take to get you to cheer for yourself? And do you hold others to that standard, or do you cheer others literally for tying their own shoelaces?
6 Reasons to do (or at least try) our At-home Workouts!
We know you didn’t join a gym so you can do workouts at home! We are all here because we need or want to be coming into the gym, seeing people, benefitting from the support of the Coaches and using the equipment.

Kate’s Story - 6 weeks to Get the Habit of Exercise
Returning from holiday a leaflet came through my door for Curves with an offer for 6 weeks, I thought 6 weeks - why not? I can always quit if I don’t like it!

6 weeks to Get Results
We’re on a new mission this summer to help women build the habit of exercise in just 6 weeks. How long does it take to build a habit? A quick Google and you’ll find many answers to that question.
And that’s the mistake lots of people make. Because here’s the thing. It’s not time that forms a habit, it’s FREQUENCY.

Kaz’s Story - overnight success
This is how you do it!
Our Kaz, making her plan for June, she's got her work rota, her glasses, she's pulled up a chair and asked me for a ruler - she means business!

Bec’s Story - putting her diabetes in remission
Meet Bec – Bec joined us in May 2021 and she recently got the news that her DIABETES IS IN REMISSION, and she has reduced her cholesterol!!!
Bec shared her story with us last year as part of our 💜💜 Strengthening Women 💜💜 challenge. Here it is...