Weekly E-mail Archive

Every week we send out our best thoughts, information and motivation for getting stronger, fitter and healthier in an e-mail, straight to your in-box. You can binge on past editions right here!

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Your month in review!
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

Your month in review!

Your month in review!

It’s that time again and if it feels like only 5 minutes ago I spoke about “Taking Inventory” that’s because it was!

Sometime this weekend take a moment, with pen and paper. Divide your page in two.

On one side list out your wins this month – grasp for every single small moment, pile them in and don’t get distracted by what you think you should have, could have, or would have done in a perfect moment.

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Why does this work so well?
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

Why does this work so well?

Today we start our 12 Workouts ‘till Christmas Challenge, and of course, it’s as popular as ever with over 120 of you signing up in the first few days (we’ll be up to 150 by the time you read this!).

It’s got all the ingredients to engage and motivate you, but do you know the real reason this challenge works so well?

It’s simple.

As in, that’s the reason, not the reason is simple…

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Distractions. They matter...
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

Distractions. They matter...


They are everywhere, and this is the time of year it is very easy to get distracted!

So here’s a question for you…?

Would your results improve if you focused on being consistent, reliable and diligent with your actions?

We can spend a lot of energy chasing 10 out of 10

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Put 🧨 in Your Day!
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

Put 🧨 in Your Day!

I was so excited to read about how many of you are not done with 2023 – at this time of year, too many people slide off their plans, put their goals to one side or simply start to get so distracted that they lose sight of what is really important to them.

What was missing for many of you though, was plans for 2024.

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Are You Done?
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

Are You Done?

These are my daily (work!) notebooks from this year. I’m filling them quicker than ever.

Somewhere in here are some ideas of things I wanted to put in these emails and, while I was looking through I found something else that made me think of you.

Last month I wrote my plans for the rest of 2023 and my plans for 2024.
You see, with 8 weeks left of this year, I am not done with 2023

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It works both ways…
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

It works both ways…

xLast week I sent you a great video (some of you even watched it…) all about how to get really motivated for the things you want to do in life (you can watch it here if you missed it! It’s about 18 minutes long but you can start it about 7 minutes in if you want to get to the really good stuff)

You probably know already the thing that gets you moving is a powerful “why”, but that’s not what the video was about.

It was about understanding the difference between

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Go Deep…
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

Go Deep…

Your motivation lies in your “why” – at Curves we’ve always called it your X-factor (long before it became a talent show!)

This is probably THE most important part of starting an exercise journey and continuing it, even when things get hard…

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Have You Got Margins?
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

Have You Got Margins?

Do you know what the most common reason for quitting the gym is?

Life. Just, life.

Life gets in the way, or big life events happen that knock us off.

But, after 14 years of experience this is what I’ve noticed. Not everyone quits.

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An Unexpected Benefit!
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

An Unexpected Benefit!

It seems that lots of you discovered something last week when you took inventory (thanks for letting me know how it turned out by the way, I love getting your emails).

As I was lucky enough to get hear what everyone discovered I wanted to share it with you because there was a common theme, and actually it was one I hadn’t considered when I wrote last week’s email.

The theme was …

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Take Inventory; You Won’t Believe the Result!
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

Take Inventory; You Won’t Believe the Result!

I was absolutely stuck on what to write about this week.
To get myself unstuck I took inventory of my week to see what themes came to mind. I checked my diary, I looked through my notebook, and I looked what I’ve been reading.

I was looking for was a story to share, what I found were the best parts of my week (and a couple of missed opportunities).

And I’m sharing it with you because…

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Ooooops; did you hear about our mistake?
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

Ooooops; did you hear about our mistake?

As most of you know by now, we sent out 2 emails this week to the wrong people!

In case you missed it, here’s what happened, and also what you can learn from it.

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It Doesn’t Matter if you Falter
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

It Doesn’t Matter if you Falter

When you tune into something good, it gives you the opportunity to connect with yourself and to recommit to yourself.

It reminds you just who you are, and that you’re doing OK. It also reminds you of the things that are important to you.

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You can be a friend, make a friend or bring a friend
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

You can be a friend, make a friend or bring a friend

Having someone who is following the same path as you means your small achievements mean so much more, and someone who knows what it took to achieve them will always celebrate them with you, no matter how small they seem, because they “get it”.

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Life hack… pearls of wisdom from a 14-year-old
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

Life hack… pearls of wisdom from a 14-year-old

If you’d asked Jo a year ago about roller coasters, she would have told you she didn’t like them, she didn’t go on them, and she was the one who would wait holding the coats and bags.

(Is that you? I know it’s a lot of mums because you all tell me, but even if you love roller coasters, read on, it’s worth it I promise)

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Which will you choose?
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

Which will you choose?

We can look at this one of two ways.

We can say “only 6 months of the year left, I’ve not even started all the things I thought I would do, I’m hopeless and can’t even stick to one resolution, why do I even bother trying, look at all the fruit/salad/gym membership gone to waste, I’ve wasted 6 months, I’ll never do it now”.

Or we can say…

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Sally Peacock Sally Peacock


What’s the difference between getting uncomfortable by getting up early to work on your side gig, or making yourself go the gym even though it’s the last thing you want to do, and the discomfort of staying where you are right now?

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The secret sauce to showing up
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

The secret sauce to showing up

Last week I told you about the award I won (thank you for your congratulations by the way) and promised I would share the secret sauce of showing up.

Now I’ll be honest here, I’ve been trying to shoehorn this into my day for a while now. Ideally, it’s to be done very first thing, before anything else shows up or blows up (you know the things, because it doesn’t just happen to business owners, right?).

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Change the plan, never the goal
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

Change the plan, never the goal

I got a wake-up call the other day, talking to a friend about goals. I had a goal, and I realised I wasn’t going to make it. I was talking about adjusting the goal and she caught me out.

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