Elevate the importance of the small tasks

If you are feeling overwhelmed right now, it’s likely because you ARE overwhelmed! You probably have a lot on your plate, or it could be you have set yourself a BIG GOAL.

We often get sucked into thinking if we can’t go the whole hog and lose 1 stone in time for the Christmas party next week then what is the point of trying to drink more water/only getting in 10 minutes of exercise/eating one more veg portion? Aside from the very real health benefits, a small task represents your commitment to yourself amongst all the other things you are trying to do right now.

Elevating the importance of the small tasks will help you to value the difference small tasks can really make to your overall success, and in your success lies your motivation to continue, or to try harder when the opportunity arises. In your success also lies the ability to spot the opportunities when they do arise. By not bothering with the small tasks you will hyper-focus on the BIG GOAL and you may be waiting a long time for an opportunity significant enough to get that done in one go.

When you elevate the importance of the small tasks, you are setting yourself on the road and giving yourself something to celebrate. It might feel small and insignificant, but something is ALWAYS better than nothing.

Never underestimate the power of small things done repeatedly, it’s sometimes the only way we make progress.


Your Space and Your Motivation


You Broke your Big Goal into Small Tasks and STILL feel overwhelmed!