What’s on your to-do list today?

4 weeks on Friday will be Christmas Eve.

I’m telling you this because NOW is the most important time for your self-care. Every year I watch women sacrifice their workouts, their health and wellbeing in their desperate rush to please all the people and fulfil expectations far beyond what one woman should have to do and it makes me sad.

This week’s encouragement is to keep YOU at the top of your to-do list. Don’t push aside your workouts and your self-care as you try to do all the MUST-dos swirling in your head.

The Dalai Lama is reported as saying:

“I meditate for one hour first thing in the morning, except for days when I’m really busy. On those days I meditate for two hours”.

He’s trying to tell us that the benefits of spending time recharging your mind and body far outweigh what else you could realistically do in that time. By keeping workouts and self-care pinned at the top of your list each day, you will get MORE DONE IN LESS TIME. Everyone wants that right now.

So, make your (MEGA) list and use it to;

1.     Keep your activity levels, self-care and mindfulness as a priority each day

2.     Only have ideas ONCE, as soon as you think it, get it on the list

3.     Keep a sense of perspective of what you can realistically get done in the time

4.     Ask others for help – so much of our lists can be done by others (if we let go of our perfection driven control!) If they want Christmas, they need to put some skin in the game, let them get involved and make it what they would like too

5.     Eliminate what is less important, let go of old traditions, clear space for enjoyment and for peace of mind.

Four weeks is plenty of time to prepare a beautiful Christmas with your friends and family AND you can still get your workouts. You will look amazing and feel even better!

Listen to our podcast on how recharging your batteries can renew your motivation below 👇


Christmas… it’s just for Christmas!


Avoiding horrible diet and exercise mistakes!