6 weeks to Get Results
By Building the Habit of Exercise
We’re on a new mission this summer to help women build the habit of exercise in just 6 weeks. How long does it take to build a habit? A quick Google and you’ll find many answers to that question.
And that’s the mistake lots of people make. Because here’s the thing. It’s not time that forms a habit, it’s FREQUENCY.
The more often you do something, the more habit forming it is. Throw in some goal setting, some systems for changing your behaviour and self-talk, sprinkle on some generous celebrations of each small achievement and now you have some magic happening.
So, what results can you expect in just 6 weeks?
Energy Boost
This is probably THE most common, and the most unbelievable benefit of exercise. How can exercise possibly give you an energy boost?
Working out teaches the body to utilise oxygen more efficiently. This is lowers heart rate and can make strenuous tasks seem much easier over time. The healthier the heart is, the easier daily activities are – which leaves you with more energy each day.
The same endorphins that make you feel better also help you concentrate. Exercise stimulates the growth of new brain cells and helps prevent age related decline.
So, if you’ve got lots to get done, one of those things had better be a workout!
Exercise is one of the best ways to gain confidence. Some of the biggest and best confidence boosters you will see from your Curves workouts are:
🌟 Better posture
🌟 Glowing skin
🌟 Increased feelings of self-worth
🌟 An overall positive outlook on life
When you exercise, your personal worth increases because it gives you a feeling that you’re actively doing something – start to finish – to improve your health and you gain a sense of achievement.
Exercise gives you a good feeling about your appearance and your body image improves. When you hold your head higher with your shoulders back, you stand taller, and the confidence shines through.
Mood Boost
Exercise releases endorphins, which make you feel happy and euphoric. Getting a happy buzz from working out a few times a week can instantly boost your overall mood. The happier you are, the more you smile 😊 and that’s a confidence booster too!
Exercise can become a reliable anchor in your life. Everyone has a go-to when life is tough, stressful, and overwhelming. Making exercise your anchor can be life changing because you know you’re in control, it benefits your health, and leaves you feeling more confident and self-assured.
Stress Management
Most people experience stress or anxiety in their lives – it’s inevitable. While eliminating stress completely may be impossible, you can learn better stress management and exercise would be a great choice;
💜 Exercise produces endorphins, a natural pain killer found in the body.
💜 Exercise also increases blood flow and the amount of oxygen that is reaching the brain.
💜 This means your brain is able to perform better, making you more alert, focused and able to think at peak performance.
💜 Exercise has been shown to decrease overall levels of tension as well as elevate and stabilize mood.
One of the most commonly reported and immediate changes our members tell us about is improved quality of sleep. If you’ve ever had trouble sleeping, this may be the first area to be positively impacted by starting a fitness routine. Provided you don’t work out too late at night, you will experience more restful sleep because your body will demand it for recovery. Your whirring mind has been stilled and it knows that you have a plan, for your health at least!
Healthier Lifestyle
Working out is an expression of self-care and this will seep into other parts of your life.
When you start an exercise routine, your subconscious clicks up a gear and starts to give you a nudge in the areas you need it most. You may notice a preference for healthier foods. You may find yourself taking more walks or otherwise looking for opportunities to improve your health.
Being in the company of Strong women, and having such frequent contact with your Curves Coaches will refresh your motivation and your mindset with each visit. As Zig Ziglar said “People often say that motivation doesn’t last, neither does bathing and that’s why we recommend it daily”.
Your Curves workouts are like a big bath of motivation that you can carry through your day and into the next, until you visit us again, and you will want to visit again soon…
And that’s how you will build the habit of exercise!
Jo joined us 6 weeks ago and in that time she’s smashed 18 workouts (despite being ill!), achieving her orange belt in kick boxing AND, reducing her body fat % and losing 5lbs!
It all starts with showing up!