It’s all about the next step

I’ve spoken about this before, but recently I have had so many interactions with members, that I feel I need to remind you all again.
Don’t dwell on what was, focus on the next step.
It’s been a bit of a ‘that time of year’ scenario recently. People are falling ill and catching all the colds and coughs going around, and that has an impact on workout routines. People have felt thrown out of rhythm, not only with lack of exercise, but also nutrition and everyday activity. They have felt they’ve ‘ruined’ their progress or feel they’ve ‘failed’ in some way.
Well guess what?
No one asks to get poorly, but it happens. And in those moments, it’s hard to workout or always eat well. Your body needs rest and as much as you try your best to stay on track, some of those things will not be as 100% spot on as you had hoped. And that’s ok! There is NO failure here!
If drinking your water was all you could do, then GREAT!
If getting a great, nutritional breakfast in your day was the only meal you felt had what you need, then FABULOUS!
And if you did none of these things and just slept, ate whatever you could tolerate, then FANTASTIC!
What use is beating yourself up over something you couldn’t control going to do? It’s not going to change what was. What will change what’s next, is you focussing on getting back on it. Back on it without even thinking of what happened.
You need to keep your eye on the goals. Those X Factors you set with us. And if they don’t get you excited, then change them!

Coach Dannii celebrating Smart® results with member Michelle at Curves Ilkeston

How clothing can help you get a better workout!


You need to know that all of this is OK