You need to know that all of this is OK

Coach Dannii

You’re worth it! And it is allowed!

Ladies. When I say you’re worth it, I really do mean it.
You’re worth that 30 minutes of time to yourself.
You’re allowed to ask for help so you can have that time.
You’re worth having as much time to indulge your own activities as those of your family.
You’re allowed to say no if you’re feeling overwhelmed by everyday tasks.
You’re worth overall, is worth it.
You’re allowed to put yourself first.
Ask yourself, when you look at those around you, would you hinder or stop any of the above from happening to them? How many times have you stepped in to help someone out so THEY can have that me time? How many times have you urged someone to do the things they love?
I bet it’s a lot. I bet it is daily. So why are you not entitled to just as much as anyone else?
Too many times I have these kinds of discussions with women who can’t see that they DESERVE to be selfish.
By the way, being selfish every now and then does not make you a bad person.
It’s amazing how many times I must remind people that if you’re the one taking care of others so much, who is taking care of you, if you’re not? How can you care for others if you’re overwhelmed and always taking on the world?
Be selfish ladies!! You certainly are worth it! Even if it's only for 30 minutes 😉

Photo collage of members and Curves Ilkeston Coaches wearing decorated bras over their workout clothes for Breast Cancer Care

We decorated our bras for Breast Cancer Care (and then wore them on the outside… of course!)


It’s all about the next step


The story you tell yourself…