How we talk, really counts

Let’s Redefine Our Vocabulary 

The words we use in regard to ourselves really are powerful contributors to how we end up feeling. There are certain words or phrases in this world that we are all led to believe means one thing when in fact, they really don’t. And who decided what they should mean in the first place!?

For example, the ever popular ‘Beach Body’. This 2-word phrase can be a huge pick me up for many or a huge kick me down for others. And it really shouldn’t be that way. I’m happy to see a lot of people are trying to redefine this term. We’re led to believe that when we say ‘Beach Body’ we should be super slim. 

We shouldn’t. 

Beach - an area of sand or stones beside the sea. 

Body - your body, all your physical parts, including your head, arms and legs. 

Therefore, you are at the beach, you by proper definition have a beach body! No body is the same shape, size or make up, so why try and be something that one or two people decided is the ‘ideal’? 

We have to play an active part to understand that a lot of the terms we are spoon fed through the media really don’t represent the majority. Not at all. By actively redefining words and phrases such as this, you will find yourself in a much happier place with yourself. You can appreciate more of what your body does for you on a daily basis. List some of those words or phrases you find yourself ‘aiming’ for, or using against yourself, and sit down and search what they actually mean. How can you redefine them to mean something more positive for you? Turn them into a way to motivate and empower, not to hurt and destroy.


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