Permission to eat more…

for your mind, body and soul

Coach Sall

The breakfast conundrum…

We have a LOT of conversations about breakfast in the gym… and I’ve learned breakfast is a bit like Marmite. Generally speaking, you’re either in, or you’re out.

I have Coached literally thousands of women in my career and without a doubt my biggest battel is getting women to eat enough! Eating nutritiously throughout the day will give you energy to get the things done, so if you’re feeling tired, irritable or low energy, it’s time to eat more, and eat more nutritiously.

The resistance to breakfast is usually based on myths ingrained in us over time… so here’s the truth;

1.     Porridge – it doesn’t have to be porridge

2.     Eaten as soon as you’re up – nope, not that either. If you can’t stomach eating at 5am, or whenever you first rise, then get moving, have a cup of tea, whatever, have it a bit later, no, not 4 hours later because that’s lunch! Up to about an hour is fine.

3.     Portion size – breakfast doesn’t have to be huge, in fact it shouldn’t be. If you have a huge breakfast, you are more likely to put yourself in a funk (aka food coma) as your body over produces insulin to try and cope with the overload

4.     Time – make it as easy and convenient as you need to. If you need to eat it on the school run, or during your commute then that’s life. Put a latte in a travel cup, grab a muesli bar and you’re done.

Following up your breakfast with a nutritious snack a couple of hours and your metabolism and energy levels will really be cooking on gas… and perhaps surprisingly you’ll have an appetite for an energy and health-giving lunch to keep you going until afternoon snack!

Coach Sall presents Curves Ilkeston women’s gym member Margaret with her prize, Coach Sophie photobomb with a huge leap in the air!

Breathe - to get better results!


Make the choice, make the change