All We Have is Trying
I’m not really one for sharing what is going on in my life but if I’ve got anything to say about anything then it almost always starts with “I was listening to a podcast and…” or “I’ve been reading this book and…”
That’s because I truly believe that quality input is vital, not only for quality output but to simply make sure the thoughts I have in between those two events, especially about myself, serve me.
And so, I wanted to share with you something I read in a book recently, and not for the first time. If you haven’t heard of what is referred to as “The Man in the Arena” quote then you should take a minute to read it…
But that’s not what I want to tell you about.
I want to tell you about disappointment.
I am always encouraging you to set realistic goals, to set your expectations, and that often we are disappointed because we set out expectations too high. I want you to feel encouraged and motivated, by your own success.
Like most wisdom, the opposite is also true – the early bird might get the worm but second mouse gets the cheese!
Anyway, The Man in the Arena was the inspiration for Brene Brown’s book Daring Greatly which is my current read in one of the Mastermind book groups I am a member of and in our discussions of the introduction to this group someone said, “All we have is trying”.
And I really felt that and thought it would be a good share.
No matter what your goals, no matter what your results, whether you are delighted or disappointed remember that all we have is trying. If you are in the arena, with your face marred by dust, and sweat; if you are striving valiantly; then you are the one who is putting themselves out there, to face victory or defeat, or anything in between.
And “there is no effort without error and shortcoming”.
If you are trying, you WILL make mistakes.
It is only by trying that we achieve any goal in life, so please, keep on trying, take the action, do the do – because while you might fail, if you are trying, if you dare greatly, then you are at least failing forward.
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