Breaking free from yourself
Coach Sall
This time last month I was talking about my lightbulb moments, and how I’d been working towards a particular goal for 13 years.
I said, “when we are attached to the outcome, we hyper-focus on our flaws” and I wanted to revisit that topic for this email because it’s been Coaching & Accountability week in the gym, and I have seen this happening over and over again.
I also saw the incredible results from those of you I spoke to last month about this very thing, that you were able to achieve from letting go of your attachment to the outcome!
When we are attached to the outcome (i.e. the number on those stupid scales!) we are so busy looking at what’s wrong, that we blame ourselves for not doing or being a certain way or achieving a particular result.
While we’re busy doing that we are missing out on opportunities to make progress, to change our mindset, to change our direction and stop repeating the same behaviours that are not serving us.
So, if you were wondering why it’s taken 13 years to achieve my goal (and counting) and why on earth I haven’t given up yet then I’m going to tell you.
Behaviour change takes time. So many of our actions and thoughts are habitualised we don’t realise how much effort and how long it takes to change.
We often set the bar impossibly high because goals sound easy, but nothing is easy about learning new skills and building new routines or breaking out of ourselves and how we have been moulded.
It takes time for change to establish itself, for new actions to become habits and adopt new thought patterns.
When we let go of the outcome we will find opportunities and motivation to learn new things, start small, take chances, be prepared to fail, take imperfect action, start over if you must, keep working at it even when it’s not going to plan, look back to see how far you have come, and celebrate even the smallest of achievements.
Only then can you give change time to establish itself.
When one of us succeeds, we all succeed! We’re always so proud of each other’s achievements 💜