Good Input for Better Output
Coach Sall
It’s happened again. Another lightbulb moment like the one I mentioned in my last email.
This one was about goal setting (I'll share it next week), and it came from a few different things I am listening to and reading at the moment (2 books and 9 podcast episodes).
And it’s the listening and reading that I want to talk to you about today.
So many of you ask me for advice about achieving your goals, and whatever the question the answer boils down to the same thing in different words.
If you want to achieve a goal you have to start thinking differently.
About the goal.
About the actions you need to take.
About yourself.
And that can be easier said than done.
And that’s why I find myself repeating myself over, and over, and over again. Not just because there are lots of you, sometimes to the same person.
And that’s OK.
Because to change how you think about something, you need different information inputted repeatedly, until something falls into place, until YOU get a lightbulb moment.
And those lightbulb moments might take years. It might happen when you hear or read something you know you heard or read years ago, but it didn’t mean as much to you then because you didn’t have the foundational knowledge or lived experience.
And it might feel like you flicked a switch, or maybe it will be slower, as if you turned the dimmer to full brightness.
This is why I am always reading and listening, and I mean ALWAYS.
You don’t just wake up one morning organised/fit/calm/motivated/wealthy.
You CAN wake up one morning and DECIDE to be those things (or anything else).
Then you must set about changing your ingrained thoughts, reactions and habits.
You need to change the INPUT to get different output.
And when you are trying to “undo” 20, 30, 40, 50 years of one-way thinking – you need a lot of repetition.
So, what are you listening to or reading that will move you forward towards your goal by changing how you think, feel, and react?
Shelley and Andrea joined together and love getting their workouts - they hold each other accountable, especially if they can’t come at the same time!