Change the plan, never the goal

Coach Sall

I got a wake-up call the other day, talking to a friend about goals. I had a goal, and I realised I wasn’t going to make it. I was talking about adjusting the goal and she caught me out.

“Sally, I think you’ve got your words muddled up there, NEVER change the goal, change the plan, yes, but never change the goal”.

She was right, I didn’t have my words muddled (for a change), I’d let my mindset slip (hidden lesson there, always keep an eye on your mindset!).

She got me thinking about the workout log journal we use in the gym – I did a Facebook post this week about how it took Kaz from not enough workouts, to enough workouts to get results, in just a few months. (If you’re not on Facebook you can read it here)

Our workout log journal is probably the SINGLE most powerful asset we use in the gym.

Some of our members don’t use the log journal, they’re worried they might plan a workout and not make it.

Here’s the news, that’s how this achieving goals lark works!

You plan the best you can and your subconscious helps you because it doesn’t like friction, if you don’t make a plan it looks for obstacles, if you’ve made the plan it will look for opportunities!

It doesn’t matter what you think you can or can’t do, or can or can’t fit in. It matters that you make a plan, it matters that you execute on that plan as best you can, it matters that you celebrate what you DID (as opposed to what you didn’t) and it matters that you change the plan as you need to.

You don’t make a perfect plan, you change the plan as you need to, you learn from your plan and then you make the next plan.

I can almost guarantee that the key to your success lies in your daily habits, the dull stuff you do (or don’t do) every day without thinking.

If you want to build a new habit to achieve your goal, then you need to make a plan, and you need to adjust it, and you need to repeat it, without loss of enthusiasm, until you see the results.


I learned a big lesson from this…


Put yourself on repeat…