
Coach Sall

Are you comfortable?

Possibly not. You might wish you had more time, maybe that your clothes were looser, that you had less aches or pains, that you had more energy, were less tired, fewer bills and more money… blah, blah, blah.

What’s the difference between getting uncomfortable by getting up early to work on your side gig, or making yourself go the gym even though it’s the last thing you want to do, and the discomfort of staying where you are right now?

Whatever discomfort you are experiencing right now either crept up on you, or it’s been around so long you’ve forgotten what life was like beforehand.

It’s surprising what you get used to.

Have you ever been to someone’s house and something is broken or doesn’t work (you know the sort of thing, a cupboard off it’s hinges, the drawer front that comes off in your hands) and you think, “how do they put up with that? That would drive me nuts.”

Then you go home and don’t notice the slightly rickety steps in the garden, or the bulb gone in the downstairs loo – or maybe you do, and you think “I really must do something about that”.

That’s comfort zones. Often, they’re not comfortable at all, they’re just familiar.

And sometimes we need to choose the harder thing.

The thing that breaks us out of our comfort zones, that shakes us up and wakes us up to just how good life can be and where our goals lie and what we could be doing about them. 

When I decided to show up to achieve a goal, what it boiled down to was getting really uncomfortable.

I started getting up 2 hours earlier than I was used to, to create the time in my day to do what was important to me.

I mean, you can stay in your slightly uncomfortable comfort zone if you want to, it’s no problem.

If you want to end tomorrow differently to today though, choose your discomfort, every day.

Curves Ilkeston gym member Allison on her favourite gym machine working hard to get results

Allison working hard on her favourite machine!


Which will you choose?


The secret sauce to showing up