Which will you choose?
Coach Sall
We can look at this one of two ways.
We can say “only 6 months of the year left, I’ve not even started all the things I thought I would do, I’m hopeless and can’t even stick to one resolution, why do I even bother trying, look at all the fruit/salad/gym membership gone to waste, I’ve wasted 6 months, I’ll never do it now”.
Or we can say “6 months left of this year. What could I do in that time? What lessons have I learned so far? It’s been harder than I anticipated and so much happened that took me off my goal. I’ve done really well at ___________, I’ve also cleared space by _________, and I’ve realised that actually ______________ isn’t important to me but _________ really is.”
Take a moment to remind yourself that you have time. You are only halfway through this year; take a moment of gratitude for the time you’ve had. Think about all the glorious and valuable moments you have had so far, the time you’ve shared with loved ones, the memories you have created and all the times you got your priorities just right.
Think about whether the goals you set yourself, in the moment, at the beginning of the year were right for you and think about why. 6 months down the line be prepared to go deeper with your why, if you’re going to dedicate precious time for the rest of this year you need to be really clear on why you’re going to do that.
Acknowledge and recognise all the teeny-tiny micro-efforts you’ve already put in this year, towards what’s important to you. What do they all add up to? Could you do more, or are you at your limit?
Whatever the answers to all those questions remember to be kind to yourself. Be generous with your celebrations of all the small achievements, it gets your subconscious on-board and then it will help you spot opportunities for repetition rather than obstacles.
Want to go to the gym more, then celebrate each visit you’ve made already and miraculously more opportunities will reveal themselves. Want to start going to the gym? Celebrate making that decision. Your subconscious will help you find your way.
Ask yourself how you want to feel in every aspect of your life.
Decide to cheer for you.
You might be surprised at what shows up for you.
Women supporting women - Louise joins in celebrating Linda’s All-Greens result from her workout data today