πŸ‘Έ Princess outfits, 🐞 ladybug hats and 🐒 turtle backpacks

Not caring about what others think gives you the freedom to wear whatever makes YOU happy, not anyone else just you!

Letting go and not caring can be easier said than done however. We get booged down worrying about what others are thinking about us, ironically leaving us less time for looking after ourselves!

Think back to when you were a child, did you wear clothes because other people liked them? Probably not! Did you happily go outside of the home wearing your fairy outfit, dressed as a princess resplendently complete with crown, or maybe wearing a cape/ladybug hat/turtle back-pack? You wore what you liked, what colours made you happy, what was comfy and what felt good! 

Why not take a page out of the younger-you's book and wear what makes you happy and wear it as if nobody's watching? (Because they’re mostly not on account of being way too worried about what they look like!)  Embrace what you would love to wear, whether it's shorts, a bright dress, or even a turtle back-pack.

Whatever it is, wear it without a care in the world! 

At the end of the day, life's too short to care about what others think, so wear what makes YOU happy! πŸ₯°

Coach Dannii and Coach Kirsty dressed up for world book day at Curves Ilkeston women’s gym

World Book Day comes to Curves Ilkeston


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