How about something new?

Coach Sophie

Have you tried to learn something new, or tried to start a new habit, you know, such as meditation, a 30 minute walk every day, meal prepping?

Learning or starting something new can be hard, especially at the beginning when we’re likely to struggle, make mistakes or just forget!  The reality is the only way to learn something new is to practice. Don’t get put off with your first experience as there are going to be many more which are successful (only if you stick with it!), they’re the ones to focus on, they’re the ones that will motivate you to continue.

Here’s some tips:

  • Acknowledge: understand the difficulty of what you’re trying to do and that you might make mistakes.

  • Approach: make a step-by-step plan of how you are going to master this task. Tick lists and habit trackers work well!

  • Commitment: Commit a time every week, or day when you are going to practice this new skill (preferably without any distractions that you can fully concentrate).

  • Reflect: Reflecting on those previous attempts to see how you can improve, what can you do differently next time? Or perhaps you just need more practice 😊

  • Achievement: How are you going to reward and share your achievement of learning this new skill, as you should be proud of what you have achieved.

Making a commitment to practice is essential for these future skills you would like to develop. After all, practice is the only way to become proficient in a new skill or behaviour.

What new skill could you be practicing?  (Ideas: Time blocking, meditation, journaling, reading, crafting)

Unlimit yourself!

Practice = Small Successes = Motivation

Nena does her best Coach Dannii impression!


What’s your one thing?


👸 Princess outfits, 🐞 ladybug hats and 🐢 turtle backpacks