Habits; simple but powerful

If the thought of New Year’s Resolutions makes you feel weak at the knees, or, if you’re feeling the pressure but don’t really want to set any, or don’t know what to set why not go for something smaller and simple like picking up a good habit that you weren’t doing last year? Or you could build on one that you’ve already started.

New Year’s Resolutions can feel like a big commitment which sometimes don’t even last until the end of January if you choose to something massive commitment such as learning a new language, or trying a completely new lifestyle, which can be really overwhelming and just lead you to give up straight away!

But what could a good habit be? Well… it could really be anything, as long as you keep it small and simple! It could be cutting down screen time and replacing it with reading a book, increasing water intake, or adding an extra workout into your week whether that be in gym or at home. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination but start small! For example, if your good habit is increasing your water intake, start off by having a glass of water instead of your cup of tea and keep doing that for a while then gradually increase the amount of water you’re drinking until you’ve reached your target! 

Creating small but habits which can be practised daily can really make an impact on your health and wellbeing and it’s a great way to kick start the New Year!

For more inspiration listen to our “Starting Simply” podcast episode…


Don’t let the unknown stop you.


💜 Well Deserved Indulgence 💜