Happy Snacking!

Snacking is really a mindset. Do you think of food as fuel, and your body as an engine that needs to be kept topped up? Or do you think of snacking as something to be resisted, naughty or not good for weight loss?

Snacking has rather poor image with many of us, disciplined as children, not to eat between meals. When I work with women trying to lose weight, they often proudly tell me how they stick rigidly to their three meals a day. This is followed by tales of how hard it is to resist the “temptation” of cakes or biscuits at work, the lure of the biscuit tin when they get in at the end of the day, of their need for “a little bit of something sweet” after their evening meal.

Those cravings, the temptations and lure are all hunger. We just don’t recognise it. Planned snacks will keep you on track and actually stop you from over-eating. They keep your energy high during the day, reduce sweet cravings and help with portion control at mealtimes.

For other women, they are hardly eating all day, sometimes relying on willpower to “resist” food – this results in ravenous hunger by the end of the day. They’re likely to raid the kitchen while preparing or waiting for dinner, eating larger portions for their evening meal and STILL not feel fulfilled, STILL not sleep well, STILL with low energy and STILL battling with their weight.

Let’s be clear about what snacking looks like. Nutritious snacks should be made mostly of “wholefoods” rather than high fat, high sugar processed or convenience options (those will only increase your sweet cravings and feelings of temptation). Try to combine items from different food groups such as fruit and nuts together, or a dairy food with a starchy one. Naturally occurring fats (such as those in nuts and avocados) and sugars (such as those occurring in fruit) are nutritious and not the same as fats and sugars in processed items so don’t be afraid to try a range of wholefoods for your snacking delight.

Snacking is a great way to get a healthy, nutritious and fulfilling diet. They present a perfect opportunity to increase fruit and vegetables, add a touch of luxury and break up your day. It’s also a good time to get one of those glasses of water in that you may be struggling with. Snack times can be the most mindful moments in your day. Making healthful and nutritious snacks for others is an unexpected way to show you care. You can go to town on the presentation or just keep things simple.


Developing a healthy snacking habit (and by healthy I mean planned, nutritious, and consistent) will help you to build a healthy and strong body. It will also help you build a healthy and strong relationship with food. Planning nutritious snacks for between meals will ensure you stay away from the biscuit tin (or wherever!), your energy levels will remain high and when you eat your meal you will make better choices, feel more fulfilled and probably eat less overall.

Try this great trail mix recipe - the recipe is for one portion but you can scale it up, batch make it and then portion it out for convenience.

1/3 cup Cheerios (Shreddies work well too!), 10 peanuts, 2 tbsp dried cranberries, 1 tbsp chocolate chips, mix it all together and enjoy!


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