Why you’re not doing The Thing

Caoch Sall

If you’re struggling to get something done*, it’s probably because you don’t have a plan.

And that’s where we often get stuck. Make a plan? Well, that can send us into a spiral of over thinking. Where do we start, what should our plan look like, it sounds complicated.

A plan is simply the answer to “what do you need to do next?”

If you’re not getting your workouts /steps/drinking enough water, then what are you going to do next to make that happen.

Usually all we need to do is make the plan… writing it down is a very powerful thing to do too. It might look like this;

“Workout at Curves tomorrow 9am”


“Drink one glass of water every time I boil the kettle”


“Give the bathroom a quick wipe over every morning after I’ve brushed my teeth”.

You see, we often forget how simple a plan can be.

Once you’ve made your plan, you need to show up. Once you’ve made your plan you are waaaaayyyyyy more likely to show up. And sometimes that’s why we don’t make the plan, because, you know, what if something gets in the way?  

Well, this could be the problem here. Maybe things are always pushing in on your priorities to the extent you stopped paying attention to your own priorities and allocating them time and space in your life.

(Even though you KNOW they’re important)

And you know what else? Sometimes things will get in the way and sometimes we’ll LET things get in the way because it’s become such a habit to look for all the reasons not to do this thing*.

It doesn’t matter, make another plan, and show up for it, because that’s how you get something done. 

*You know why else we look for reasons not to do the thing? Although we KNOW we’re worthy (maybe), we don’t always FEEL worthy, the world around us doesn’t make us FEEL worthy, and so we let our needs slide down the priority list.

If this resonates with you, you might want to check out this our May/June book club book, The Gifts of Imperfection. You can find out more information about our book club here.


The motivation lie


Do this today (it’s easy I promise).