Take it one step at a time!

As women we juggle everything all the time! We love to multi-task thing, but when it comes to your health and fitness, we need to take it one step at a time and focus on achieving one thing at a time. That might be just walking through the door to begin with, then aiming to workout 3-4 times a week, then to losing a stone. We need to take it one step at a time and really focus on achieving something before we do the next thing.

Why change your lifestyle and drinking and food all at once? Start small, try drinking one more glass of water every day to begin with and then once you have achieved this move on to adding another one and then before you know it you will be drinking 2 litres of water a day!

By setting yourself small achievable goals that add up to the big goal you’re going to stay more motivated and on track. You will get a greater sense of achievement rather than feeling that you have failed  (which could result in you being more likely to give up.)

Now, don’t forget to reward yourself for achieving those small goals! Non-food rewards such as new workout gear, a bath with your fave candle. or even a 10min lie-in in the morning. It can be something small and inexpensive but remember it’s not food and that you don’t have to have a reward yourself for everything you do, one reward can cover a few wins each week!

And to finish off with, one of the best fitness tips I have found; “Stop dieting! Rearrange the letters and you get “edit”, don’t diet but edit what you eat.

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