Meet Your Curves Coaches’

Find out more about your Curves Coaches here, our stories, our passion and our commitment to you.

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Coaching Assistant Courts; “Before I started working at Curves I had never heard of Strength Training. The only way I thought I could become fit and healthy was to just walk on a tread mill at a normal gym, and eat as less as possible. Then when I came to Curves I discovered a whole new way to live a healthy life style, that isn’t restricting and boring and I now know the importance of Strength Training, not just for physical reasons but also the mental health side of it. Strength Training for me is a stress relief and it makes me feel strong and energised J

I love working at Curves because I get to see the positive effects of having a strong, empowering group of women supporting each other and welcoming anyone who joins us and making them feel like one big family and all sharing the benefits of Strength training and how it changed their lives for the better. There’s nothing I believe in more than women supporting women, and at Curves, that’s exactly what it is!

Each time I hear a member speak about their success stories or any achievements they have made, whether it’s big or small, I am proud. I know that everybody else here is too, it inspires me and pushes me to tell more people about the benefits of Strength Training at Curves.”

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Coach Tash; “Why did I choose to work at Curves? When I was in year 10 at school, we had to do a week’s worth of work experience and back then I wanted to be a PE teacher, so I choose to do a week in my school PE department and a week at Curves. I had never heard of Curves but after my week’s experience I was itching for more, so when Sally offer me a job as a Saturday Coach a year later (must have left a good impression if she still remembered me a year later!) I jumped at the chance. Why? Because it was infectious! I had never felt so welcome in a place before. The members and staff were amazing! They made me feel like I’d been there forever and not just an hour. That was the best decision I have ever made, and I’ve never looked back.

What do I love about Curves? I have already said I love the members, they’re like my second family, even out of the gym.  I love the Coaches; they are lifelong friends. Who doesn’t love coming to work when you get to have fun (and work)? I love that Curves is available for all shapes, sizes and all ages. No one is too old to be strong. I love that its only 30 minutes of your day, because as women we are busy, but we do need to put ourselves first. Which would you pick, 30 minutes or 2 hours out of your day to excise? I love that I am able to celebrate everyone’s achievements not matter how big or small, from losing inches or weight, hitting workout milestones to just walking through the door and taking their first step on their journey.

Why strength training in just 30 minutes? You can build lean muscle and burn fat to help tone up your body and the best thing is, it suits all ladies, any age or fitness. And everyone is so welcoming. Why am I committed to helping promote strength training you ask?  I want to help women become healthier and happier. To help prevent disease so you can live a longer and healthier life with your family, the people that mean so much to you, and you mean so much to them. I I want to help you, look after you for them.

The Curves members are amazing! They are the best! They are your own set of cheerleaders and they cheer you on through your successes and they help motive you to keep on track. They understand what you’re going through because they’re all on their journeys. They share words of encouragement with you and they give you their top tips to help you. You can walk on the circuit and not know a single person and by the end of the workout you have spoken to 3-4 amazing women who have put you at ease. Everyone lifts you up and help you to achieve the best version of you.

Here’s to strong women

We may know them

We may raise them

We may be them

Love  Coach Tash xx”

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Senior Coach Dannii; “Health and fitness has always been, in some form, part of my life. It wasn’t until I was in university that I discovered the power exercise has on not only your physical health, but your mental health as well. This was the start of my desire to help others achieve their personal goals. I began with cardio workouts myself and soon progressed to Pilates and eventually Strength Training. It felt great. 

My final year scared me. I suddenly realised I wasn’t sure what it was I wanted to pursue as a career. I didn’t know, but I knew I wasn’t ready to use my degree professionally. 

Personal training. That’s what I wanted to do! I felt the benefits myself from exercise after-all. I was mentally better, physically stronger and I was really enjoying it. This was where I became committed to helping others to feel the same.

Fast forward a year, I was with my driving instructor who told me about Curves. She contacted the owner and I was there before I knew it. I remember walking through the doors, unsure of what I would find. Unsure of what Curves was all about. Well, it didn’t take long for me to learn and love everything about it. 

Strength Training and Cardio all at once!? What an amazing idea! And the best yet? Strengthening women! The missing link in so many health and fitness articles and programmes that I was desperate to teach others about. 

As the years passed, I have become more passionate about teaching women about the benefits of Strength Training. To see so many women grow, develop and find a new love in themselves, there’s nothing more rewarding. To help women take time for themselves, when are so used to putting others first. The answer to so many goals? Is Strength Training.”

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Coach Sall, Owner; “I have enjoyed an almost lifelong love affair with health and fitness. As a result I am often asked “how do you stay so slim? How do you have so much energy?” The answer was always simple (I thought); eat well and Strength Training.

When I discovered Curves I’d been working in a conventional gym as a sports’ injuries therapist. I was always telling my clients that Strength Training would improve their recovery and reduce their risk of injury. I mostly trained in the gym by myself and any other women were on the bikes or the treadmills. When I first walked into Curves (to scope it out prior to a job interview!) I could not believe what I saw – 7 women, ALL Strength Training. I knew this was the place for me, we were a perfect match.

I wanted to be involved with Curves because it’s the REAL answer to health, fitness and weight loss questions. It’s based in science and presented in a way that removes the barriers. In fact, I was very cross for several days that, not only had I not thought of it, but a man had! I wanted to everyone to know and experience what I had my whole life and here was the way.

As I got more involved in Curves I realised the wider impact that Strengthening women has. Strong women, make Strong families and Strong families make Strong Communities. If you want to change the world mobilise the women of your community. I am a game changer and I wanted to make a difference, one woman at a time, fulfilling her dreams. Every day, every time a member walks through the door I am proud. Every small achievement inspires me to continue to share the answer to our health and fitness and weight loss challenges. That is, Strength Training at Curves.


Are you clear?


Take it one step at a time!