Be good at being in your body

Coach Sall

What you focus on sends important messages to your brain. It will help you prioritise and make decisions about what you need to say no to, about what you need to do next. And there are lots, and lots, and lots, and lots of things in this world designed to draw your focus away from what’s important to you.

I see evidence of this time and time again in the gym. I know what women want to get out of exercise, what empowers them, what makes them feel like they can take charge of their day, what gives them energy and confidence. 

Then I see them, on the scales, peering anxiously and I know that woman is distracted from her real purpose, from what she set out to achieve from coming. Something in this crazy upside-down world has distracted her from her real VALUE.

Strong is our word. What does it mean to you? You can be Strong physically and emotionally, and Strength Training helps with both. By focusing on being Strong you can keep your workouts in their place in your list of priorities, preserve your self-esteem, connect with your sense of self, be GOOD at being in your body and moving around in this world.

Every morning is a time to reset, to recall your focus and aim where you put your attention. You want to be Strong, so think Strong and make your decisions based on what that means to you.

Coach Dannii celebrating with member Barb her first month and getting her Smart® tag at Curves Ilkeston

Celebrating Barb’s first month at Curves by programming her Smart® tag - Barb never imagined she would be able to do the machines due to health issues, but has discovered otherwise!


I gift you this word


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