Put yourself on the list

As women we tend to put our-selves last on the list as we juggle a million things at once. But why?

It means sometimes we forget to eat, or don’t have time to work out and we become stressed. But what we have to remember is that without you what would the rest of your family do?

Your health is important to you and your family so take the time to look after and love your body. Below I have my best tips to help you keep on track and make time for you, even if it’s just 5 minutes.

My favourite thing to do it is, plan out my day as soon as I wake up, or even the night before. This means I have taken the things I need to do out of my head and put them on paper which will hold me more accountable to doing them, and it stops my head from being overloaded. It will help you to stop feeling stressed and may even help you get a better night sleep.

I also like to ensure I take my self away from my phone when I first wake up! Yes, I may check to see if anyone needs me but after that I set it down and start on my day, and you would be surprised at how much you will get done in that 30 minutes from the washing to meditation or a workout!

It’s a great way to start your day, you’ll feel so much more productive and that's a win!


Waiting for the big announcement…


Take your time . . .