What’s on your “to-feel” list?
Coach Sall
I’m not going to lie, I love a good to-do list. In fact, I live and die by mine. Like most people I have a lot of plates to spin and honestly, if ain’t on my list, it’s probably not going to get done.
Do you put your workout on your to-do list? Do you put “Brush my teeth” on your to-do list?
The things we do out of habit, we tend not to put on the list, well, unless we need to get that dopamine response of ticking something off in which case… game on for the tooth brushing right?!
So, if you’ve got your workout habit/routine nailed, awesome, you’re doing great, but read on, because this idea might still be for you.
And if you’re struggling with motivation, mo-jo or finding the time then this is definitely for you.
How do you want to FEEL today (or tomorrow or the next day)?
Motivated? Energised? Calm? Empowered? Healthy? Ready for anything? Loved? Appreciated? Noticed?
Get it written on a “To-feel” list.
What do you need to do to feel like that? Now you have your action AND your motivation.
So, anytime you don’t “feel like it”, think about what you would like to feel and it will quickly become clear what you need to do and you’ll suddenly feel like doing it!
Of course, in my experience a workout would go a long way to ticking a lot of boxes – I might be biased but that’s a big bang for your buck of just 30-minutes of your day.
What do you think? (We love to hear your thoughts, you can share below 👇)
However you want to feel - workouts are usually a great place to start as Hannah rediscovered after loosing her mo-jo recently!