Coach Xan

Coaching since 2023

I've only recently joined the Curves team so I may not have had the pleasure of meeting you yet but all of you who I have met have made me feel incredibly welcome and I've loved working with you!

When I first heard about the opportunity to become a Curves Coach it felt like a perfect fit for me and my lifestyle. I have always been a huge ambassador for female participation in sport and I believe sport and fitness should be accessible for people of all shapes, sizes and backgrounds.

The chance to work in an environment with other likeminded women almost seemed too good to be true so when Sally called me to ask me to come in to see what Curves was all about, I couldn't wait. As soon as I walked in, I could tell this was the place I wanted to work at. Just as I had thought, Curves was the perfect fit for me. 

Everyone I spoke to was so welcoming and seeing all of you ladies working out, training hard and supporting each other really inspired me. By coaching at Curves, I want to build on and use my own experience in the sporting world to assist all of you incredible women in improving yourselves and helping you achieve your fitness goals, whatever they may be.

As a female athlete myself, who competes in cycling, the ethos of Curves really resonated with me. I strongly believe sport and exercise can be used to empower women and I truly hope to encourage women to be the best version of themselves through strength training. I have personally seen the benefits of including strength training in my own training plan and want to share those benefits with other women.

It’s no secret the sport and fitness industry is currently designed for men, therefore I believe it is incredibly important to encourage women to participate in sport so we can drive change and build an environment suitable for us. Curves proves that women can and want to strength train, we just need the correct environment! This is why I believe it’s great having a 30-minute workout here at Curves, which is designed specifically for women and targets the whole body.

I look forward to getting to know all of you and I hope together we can keep encouraging more women to get involved and hit your goals!


I strongly believe sport and exercise can be used to empower women and I truly hope to encourage women to be the best version of themselves through strength training.


Coach Dannii


Coach Kirsty