Drinking enough water IS self-care

Coach Sall

Drinking water is self-care – it’s probably your easiest self-care win every day, every time, multiple times a day… 👀

Yet time every single day we speak to women who simply aren’t drinking enough and find it hard to do. Why?

Well, there’s lots of reasons but it mostly boils down to not being really present and so not recognising your need and missing the cues. Once the need and the cues are missed, we become resistant to what we need most (You know, like a toddler at their most tired and refusing to sleep!).

Being present all the time, well, that’s hard too so this is where habits come in (keeping in mind you can only build a habit if you are paying attention!). If you can build a habit, then drinking more water will require practically zero attention.

The “how” of this is for another email/video/podcast but write this down somewhere…

Drinking enough water every day is probably the NUMBER ONE action you can take to improve your results at Curves.

It’s free (kind of), it takes no time at all, and it keeps giving back to you in ways you won’t be able to measure… it’s like the secret weapon of health and vitality we can all possess but we just leave it and look for something sexier, bigger, more expensive.

If you only make one New Year Resolution, make it this one and really work at making this small life changing action a habit.

Coach Sall in front of 30-minute circuit Curves Ilkeston members working out

Jane, Anne and Joan with Coach Sall - members in action!


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It can be you AND them