It can be you AND them

Coach Sall

Why YOU are important (too).

As we begin our 12 Workouts ‘till Christmas incentive I’m reminded of the reasons why this challenge is so popular with all our members (aside from the stickers of course!) and why it’s so important.

It’s not about little black dresses.

It’s not about what you might eat.

It’s not even remotely about how you look.

This is 100% about how you feel over the next few weeks.

It’s about taking time to allow your mind your switch off for a moment.

It’s about having the energy to get more done.

It’s about feeling able to handle any extra requests, demands or stress.

It’s about being able to get the things you want to do done so you can enjoy (really enjoy) what you have planned; time with family, time away from family, breaks away, or time with yourself.

Whether it’s your Curves workouts, a daily walk, or just taking time out for yourself with a hot cuppa and a good book, every small action is a vote for YOU, it reminds your subconscious that you can have space, as well as everyone else, no sacrifice needed.

And you know what? It reminds the world too, so don’t sneak off and do this in secret, be loud and proud about looking after yourself, because they are listening.

Coach Kirsty with member and domestic abuse survivor Rachel wearing orange for Unite’s campaign to end violence against women

Drinking enough water IS self-care


I gift you this word