“All bodies are beach bodies” 

It’s getting to that time of the year where it’s hot enough for shorts, bikinis, t-shirt’s, and not the time of the year where we can cover up with big jumpers or coats to ‘hide our bodies’. The closer we get to summer the scarier it can get as we know that we can’t be hiding ourselves away, and you’re not alone in this!

Let’s be real. When we go on holiday how many people do you see with that ‘picture perfect’ body that is plastered all over social media? None. We see women of all shapes and sizes who are beautiful in every way possible, embracing the skin they are in.

We also see women who are too afraid to wear the bikini, or wear the shorts because of cellulite, stretch marks, excess skin etc Yet these women don’t see that these ‘flaws’ are what makes them, them!

I know how it can feel to look in the mirror when you are wearing something out of your comfort zone and absolutely hate the image we see, but trust me when I say, what is an insecurity to you, is beautiful to someone else!

I challenge you all to wear that bikini, them shorts, that skirt, and when you look at yourself in the mirror, don’t be negative. Think about how amazing you are and how amazing you look!


It’s time to… Stop Moralising Food!


Are you clear?