It’s time to… Stop Moralising Food!

Our words have such an impact on how we conduct ourselves, perceive ourselves or expect others to perceive us. Worse than that though, words are also used by food marketers to generate a lot of income. Literally gaining money from our ‘guilt’ around food. It is time we stopped letting those words be the better of us!

‘Bad, good, healthy, unhealthy, no, guilt free, low calorie,’ the list is endless. All of these words we use to either make ourselves feel ‘better’ for our choices or to ‘guilt’ ourselves out of doing something…

We need to stop this!

When it comes to food, we have been conditioned from a young age, through various means, of what we ‘should and shouldn’t eat’ instead of being educated on what foods provide us with what kind of energy needed.

How many times have you referred to a food as bad or good recently? And how many times did you feel you needed to justify foods you eat? 

Nutrition is a difficult thing to get right, but if you educate and learn more about trigger words or how we moralise food, then you will be able to make those more nutritional decisions that will fuel your body and keep you satisfied. All without that dreaded guilt when we eat something purely for the pleasure of eating it. 

We have and will talk a lot about this subject in our podcasts which will help shed more light onto moralising food and why we should change this.

Listen to our “Chew Your Words” podcast episode on this very topic…

Other podcasts that you might find helpful would be “We’re Changing how you talk about Healthy Eating”

You might also like “Comfort Eating - you’re doing it wrong”.


Step Out of Your Comfort Zone 


“All bodies are beach bodies”