An Unexpected Benefit!
Coach Sall
It seems that lots of you discovered something last week when you took inventory (thanks for letting me know how it turned out by the way, I love getting your emails).
As I was lucky enough to get hear what everyone discovered I wanted to share it with you because there was a common theme, and actually it was one I hadn’t considered when I wrote last week’s email.
The theme was that answers to questions 1 & 2 were the same!
The things that are difficult, are nearly always the best.
So next time something feels hard, or maybe you find yourself avoiding something (as if…), take a quick inventory, check the value of it.
I think you’ll find it will be totally worth it, and that thought alone, is motivation enough to dive in!
(P.S. Dannii and I recently recorded a podcast episode on this very topic - What does Success Look Like? Also, this one is a great listen on how to stay focused on the task.)
Our circuit in full swing! Coach Tash is right there to keep everyone safe and motivated 😎