Call off the search!

Caoch Sall

I know it’s frustrating, when you’re trying so hard to do something, but not getting the results you want. It’s how I make my living after all.

I have all the answers. I can tell you how to lose weight, how to get Stronger, how to get fitter and you how to feel better about yourself.

The harder part is making it make sense to you, the harder part is putting it into practice, the harder part is helping you see all the nonsense out there that’s taken as fact and standing against it when it makes such alluring promises.

If I could wave a magic wand, it would so you can FEEL how good it can feel to not wrestle with food, to not have a negative reaction when you look in the mirror or at photos, to wear whatever clothes you feel like wearing, to stop hiding.

That magic wand, well that would be a life hack and a half, wouldn’t it?

But there are no shortcuts, no gifts, no magic wand.

Hacks only work if you’re already there!

Hacks show you how to do something at a level you are already thinking, easier/quicker. If you are not at that level, they’re useless.

**Shortcuts are the reason you are still looking for answers**

So, call off the search…

for the get fit/lose weight/get organised quick program – if you want to change, if you want things to be different in your life, start doing the work, start changing how you think.

And remember this, there’s nothing wrong with, you don’t need fixing, you have everything you need to start from right where you are.

Remind yourself everyday of who you want to be and cast votes for that person with your thoughts and your actions.

Do what you can with what you have, because imperfect action executed consistently over time wins every single time.


The members working hard on a Janury morning with Coach Dannii to keep them motivated - check out the focus!


Getting started again.


What fitness and Christmas have in common