Getting started again.

Coach Sall

We’re back!

It’s been a while since we sent a weekly email of encouragement. Did you miss us?
We got swallowed up by life and to be honest we’re glad, because it shows you that even though we might appear to have things nailed, we are human and sometimes we have to choose between doing it all, and doing what we can.
So, we chose, or rather, life chose, because that’s how it happens sometimes. You can only do what you can with what you’ve got.
It’s easier to keep a thing going than start a thing… so how about “re-starting” a thing? Well, that can feel hard, because we are basing it on our past experience of starting. In fact, re-starting is easier because it’s like putting on a comfortable pair of shoes, you’ve done all the hard work of breaking them in!
When you re-start something you are reminded of all the reasons you were doing it in the first place, how good it felt and why you kept doing it. You realise that when you stopped, it wasn’t because you didn’t like it, or because the thing was too hard. You stopped just because something else got in the way.
Sometimes, re-starting is the best thing, because it makes you appreciate the value that thing has in your life, and how it benefits you.

What could you re-start today (or tomorrow, or next week?)


Coach Dannii celebrating Vicki’s return to her workouts!


A moment of celebration, please.


Call off the search!