Drink Like a Fish

Not sure if you have noticed but we are constantly talking about increasing your water intake!

Water is a key element which keeps our bodies running as they should. The average percentage of water in a person’s body is round 60% (which can vary depending on the body size, shape, and balance of muscle and fat) and we need to keep it that way!

Water is crucial to our health as it plays a part in all body functions and is essential for:

  • Regulating your body temperature

  • Removing waste by urination, sweating and bowel movements

  • Lubricating and cushioning your joints

  • Protecting your spinal cord and other sensitive tissues.

You probably don't realise that drinking water in the morning is incredibly important as our body slowly becomes dehydrated when asleep. Starting the day with glass of water helps get your body’s functions restarted and flushes out toxins.

But wait a minute! Drinking a glass of water in the morning doesn’t mean you stop there with your water intake. You’ve got to keep drinking throughout the day even if it’s a couple of sips at a time.

Each day we should be drinking around 2.5litres, which may seem a lot when you say it but when you spread it across a 16hour waking day is only small glass an hour.

Ladies, grab that water bottle, turn to the tap, and do your body a favour!

Coach Tash has some new and 'old favourite' ideas to help you get hydrated 💦


Are you a morning person?


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