Q: Who’s looking after you?

A: You!

Coach Dannii

Prioritise you. You are not second best. 

It can be so easy to put yourself on the back burner. To focus on everyone and everything else. To make sure whoever it is, is doing well, is OK and looked after.  

But who is putting you first? Who is making sure you’re taken care of? That you’re doing well? 

Does it have to be someone else that takes care of you, or can you take a stand and put you first?

Of course you can!  

I’ve always said, if you don’t look after yourself, how are you to care for others? It’s just not going to happen. 

Now I know a lot of you will argue you can’t take time for yourself as others need you. I’m here to tell you that if you reach out and speak to others, I am confident there are people who would lend you a hand. Someone will help you for half an hour/an hour to have some me time. It just takes communication. 

So, stop putting yourself last. Stop letting your own health be second best to others. You are allowed and deserve time to focus on your own mental and physical health. 

Take a step back right now and think - am I putting myself last? Am I letting other’s reasons step in the way? Are those reasons actually excuses? (Scroll down and listen to our podcast episode Reasons Vs Excuses Part 1)

Have a cuppa, reflect and get that time in for yourself! 

Coaches Sall and Patience give Curves Ilkeston women’s gym member Marilyna thumbs up while she works on a gym machine

Coach Patience and Coaching Assistant Patience with Marilyn working hard on the circuit


Quiet a busy mind


“F” words!