Life hack… pearls of wisdom from a 14-year-old

Coach Sall

This week I want to tell you what our member Jo learned from a trip to Alton Towers with her family, more specifically, from her 14-year-old daughter Eleanor.

I think you’ll like it.

If you’d asked Jo a year ago about roller coasters, she would have told you she didn’t like them, she didn’t go on them, and she was the one who would wait holding the coats and bags.

(Is that you? I know it’s a lot of mums because you all tell me, but even if you love roller coasters, read on, it’s worth it I promise)

Then Jo decided she’d had enough of holding the coats and bags and started to go on the rides. In fact, this picture taken with Eleanor was taken around that time last winter.

The first step was getting on the rides, holding on tight, and keeping her eyes shut.

The more you do something, the braver you get.

The family went to Alton Towers again just the other day and this time… this time she kept her eyes open on every ride and wow…

what a ride she had.

What an experience, every sense she had was taking it all in, processing it, capturing it, all in glorious high definition!

She went from getting on the rides to overcome her fear, to absolutely loving them.

When she excitedly told Eleanor of her discovery of just how much more enjoyable the ride was when she kept her eyes open, Eleanor calmly informed her that she had just learned a life hack!

Just like roller coasters, life is better if you keep your eyes wide open so you can enjoy all that is has to offer and not miss a single second.

Go Eleanor! You have got that spot on 💜

So now it's time to take Eleanor's wisdom into your own life.

What are you closing your eyes to because you think you don’t want to see? (Yourself in photos for example?)

Why not choose to get brave, go all in,

eyes wide open,

ready to enjoy every second… and see how it changes things?

Thanks to Jo for sharing that story and to Eleanor for her wisdom.


You can be a friend, make a friend or bring a friend


Which will you choose?