What’s your one thing?

Coach Sall

2022 is far from over, and whether you started, stopped, or maybe you did both, you’ve still got more than 3 months left of this year. A year like no other, because every year is unique!

So my question to you is this – when it gets to the end of 2022, what’s the ONE THING you want to be able to say you did? It must be just one, and one you can REALISTICALLY do over the next 3 months. 

It could be a one off, such as an experience, going to a certain destination or visiting a friend. It could be a longer project such as a fitness habit, reading a certain book or creating framed photos rather than keeping them on your phone.

Today, tomorrow, or at the very next opportunity take ten or twenty minutes to sit, with a cuppa (and absolutely no phones or screens of any kind to distract you) and think about what is the one thing you would like to be able to look back on 2022 and say, yup, I did that.

Refocus on it however best works for you, and give it all you have, you have a deadline, make it happen!

You can achieve an awful lot before the end of this year. Even if your one thing is “just start”, you can do that, because you can do that any day and every day – in fact, that’s how all the best habits are formed!

Let me know your one thing in the comments, I’d love to know!

Coach Tash celebrates with member Elaine on her 10 year anniversary with Curves Ilkeston women’s gym

10 years a Curves member! Elaine started her Curves journey as a Curves Coach and continued it even as she changed her career. She’s always been committed to the benefits of Strength Training and continues to do at least 3 workouts a week.


Focus on what could be…


How about something new?