Feeling better about balance.
Coach Sall
Balance is a FEELING, it’s the feeling of having given your attention to the things that needed to be attended to, either because they are an emergency, or so that they don’t become one.
Achieving balance in your life is not about doing everything for equal amount of time, it’s about doing the right things AT the right time.
Your own health and wellbeing is an important part of that. You don’t have to give it the same amount of time as other areas of your life, all the time. But you do have to give it some attention before it becomes the emergency that pushes everything else out of balance.
And, just like your finances, gardening or housework, you can get your health and wellbeing into a balanced routine.
Yes, it will take a bit more of your effort and attention to begin with, so you might want to pick your time to get that routine established, but once you have created that space in your day, it will be easy to maintain.
Yes, there will be periods in your life when other things take your time, this is where even 1 workout a week counts! Once that time has passed, you can step straight back into your routine.
And that is balance – doing the right things at the right time, giving enough attention to the things that need it and understanding that you prevent future emergencies with (sometimes very small) actions today.
Lissa on the pec dec and Coach Tash - happy days