The Magic of Taking Your Own Advice
I was chatting with a couple of you the other day on the circuit about meditation.
Now, bear with me a little because meditation is not what this email is about.
This is about a small comment I made in the process of telling the story of my meditation journey.
What I said was, “I decided to take my own advice and restart my meditation habit”.
And from the reaction of those of you on the circuit, this hit home, so I thought it was worth sharing with all of you.
Ah yes, the magic of taking your own advice everyone said.. Yet what we do tend to do is validate our own reasons (excuses?) for not doing that thing.
Yet that thing, the one thing we’re studiously not doing (for all the reasons) is might be the very thing that changes everything.
So, here the big question for this weekend. What would you do if you took your own advice?
Comment below and let me know….
P.S. Currently on an intermittent 1-day streak for meditation and celebrating each one, because the motivation lies in noticing each achievement.
Long time member Claire never gets tired of seeing when she gets awesome results on her Curves Smart® data, even after 12 years of workouts she still gives her all and gets the benefits that Strength Training brings. She’s celebrating here with Coach Xan.