What About Direction Correction?
Coach Sall
Changing habits, building new ones, doing something differently to what you are used to…
It’s all hard, at least at some point.
Keeping going is the easiest way, because keeping doing a thing is easier than starting a thing.
But what about when we drift off our path and we get stuck in the weeds?
Those weeds you know, they pull at as and trap us into thinking that we failed and now we must stay right there, ankle deep in the weeds, one small hop from our path.
And if changing habits and building new ones is hard, it can feel almost impossible to get back on track when we’ve drifted.
Oh my, the stories we tell ourselves in that situation!
And if we’re not careful stories become more weeds, and ankle deep becomes knee deep and we’re telling ourselves stuff that grows those weeds until we feel like we’re starting from scratch and we feel far, far from the path.
Direction correction is about taking one action despite the weeds. It’s about taking a deep breath and summoning all your momentum to make the hop that it takes to change your direction.
It’s about reaching out to those who are where you want to be, taking their hands, so that it doesn’t feel so hard.
And you get to choose.
I’m not saying it’s easy, but direction correction is probably THE most important action you can take to achieve the change you want in your life.
Linda helps new member Judith through her stretches.