Which Will You Choose?
Coach Sall
Let’s imagine someone gave you a bag of money – that would be nice wouldn’t it?
Well, yes, it probably would.
Now this bag weighs exactly 1 kilo (this story just gets better!).
Which would you prefer?
Your 1 kilo bag to be full of pennies, or your 1 kilo bag to be full of £20 notes?
It’s a no brainer right, at least, I hope it is. Unless you have an especially deep passion for collecting pennies you would hope your 1 kilo bag is stuffed full of £20 notes.
Both weigh the same…
What that 1 kilo bag is made up of is what makes the difference.
It’s the composition of the 1 kilo bag that determines its value.
Your body is the same.
It’s not your weight that matters, it’s what your body is made up of that will make the difference.
To you, to your daily life, to your health, your wellbeing, your mental health and your life to come.
Whatever you’ve got to do this weekend, get your headphones on, or instruct your smart speaker and listen to our latest podcast episode on body composition. (Click here for that episode)
We’ll help a dull task pass, and this kind of knowledge can change your mindset, your approach to exercise and your life.
Some days everything goes right! Coach Tash celebrating Rachel’s 50th workout AND all greens on our Smart® system