Why 30 matters!

Our May app challenge is really focusing on those 30 minutes of activity every day, for 30 days. Doing a challenge like that gets us in a good habit and appreciating all the benefits of exercise. You know, the ones that it can be easy to overlook such as more energy, better sleep, clarity of thought, combating stress, improved immune system…

30 minutes is not very long, in fact, sometimes it seems so insignificant we can always just do it tomorrow, when we’ve got more time… and we skip it. In favour of what? Something else that only takes 30 minutes? Something someone else has asked us to do, something we feel obliged to do, something that we can cross off our to-do list that we believe will give us a feeling of fulfilment.


I would wager there is actually very little you can do in 30 minutes that would move the needle that much, compared to the benefits of exercise. Once you start stacking those 30 minutes up, one on top the other, day after day, the benefits increase and become so well established they’re actually hard to undo.

Your 30 minutes may seem like nothing, but make them sacred, they’re precious, they’re what keep you going, they help you to stop, they keep on track, the keep you from losing your mind and all your nearest and dearest would agree that, they’d rather you get those 30 minutes than do that thing for them because you’re happier that way!

Make your 30 minutes sacred, you are worth it, and so are they!

Curves coach, curves, coach, women's fitness, strength training for women, weight loss

“F” words!


Are you a morning person?