Why does this work so well?

The reason is simple!

Coach Sall

Today we start our 12 Workouts ‘till Christmas Challenge, and of course, it’s as popular as ever with over 120 of you signing up in the first few days (we’ll be up to 150 by the time you read this!).
It’s got all the ingredients to engage and motivate you, but do you know the real reason this challenge works so well?

It’s simple.

As in, that’s the reason, not the reason is simple… um, OK that works for both!
Anyway. That’s what it is. Simple to understand, simple to execute on. 4 weeks, 12 workouts and a sticker each you time you come.
150 of you can see that you can manage it – heck, you’re even excited by it.
The number one thing you can all do for yourselves to achieve your goals is show up. Building a robust habit of exercise will see you through every challenge in life with better mental health, better physical health and in a community that supports you every step of the way.
So, keep your goal setting simple – every month, when you chat with your Coach for your Coaching & Accountability session, keep it simple. We know there might be a bigger goal you are after – but what is the most simple version of that?
Showing up for 14 workouts every month might seem simple, it might even seem boring, but when you make it your focus, when you make it fun. when you reward yourself for it, when you get into that habit, you will find it was absolutely the best, simplest, life changing thing you ever did.

12 workouts till Christmas collage of photos showing lovely cosy prizes, printed Christmas baubles covered in stickers showing how many members are signed up and how many are showing up for their workouts.

Your month in review!


Distractions. They matter...