Weekly E-mail Archive

Every week we send out our best thoughts, information and motivation for getting stronger, fitter and healthier in an e-mail, straight to your in-box. You can binge on past editions right here!

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How to move better, for longer
Mark Woodward Mark Woodward

How to move better, for longer

Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. Then, when you call on the muscles for activity, they are weak and unable to extend all the way. That puts you at risk for joint pain, strains, and muscle damage.

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Rebel against the tech!
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

Rebel against the tech!

By taking that time out of your day to switch off and do something you love without a screen in front of you, you not only feel like you’re “beating the system” but you might also find it leads to a happier and more relaxed you!

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Focus on what could be…
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

Focus on what could be…

One thing that often hinders our progress is dwelling on the past. Thinking and focusing on what was instead of focussing on what can be, what could be and what next?

Where health and fitness are concerned, focussing on what used to be can really hinder current and future progress. Why? Because you don’t always take into account what has changed, what is different.

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What’s your one thing?
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

What’s your one thing?

So my question to you is this – when it gets to the end of 2022, what’s the ONE THING you want to be able to say you did? It must be just one, and one you can REALISTICALLY do over the next 3 months.

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How about something new?
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

How about something new?

Have you tried to learn something new, or tried to start a new habit, you know, such as meditation, a 30 minute walk every day, meal prepping?
Learning or starting something new can be hard, especially at the beginning when we’re likely to struggle, make mistakes or just forget! The reality is the only way to learn something new is to practice.

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👸 Princess outfits, 🐞 ladybug hats and 🐢 turtle backpacks
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

👸 Princess outfits, 🐞 ladybug hats and 🐢 turtle backpacks

Not caring about what others think gives you the freedom to wear whatever makes YOU happy, not anyone else just you!

Letting go and not caring can be easier said than done however. We get booged down worrying about what others are thinking about us, ironically leaving us less time for looking after ourselves!

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Hold onto kind comments as your truth
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

Hold onto kind comments as your truth

For me, exercising has brought me closer to my body because I am able to truly see how strong my body is. I shifted my focus from perfecting my body to caring for it and that has really helped me to feel proud of all my body, not just what it looks like.

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If the voice in your head says “I wish…”
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

If the voice in your head says “I wish…”

So, whether you wear shorts right now or not, is not really the issue, because as we have mentioned, if you don’t want to wear shorts, you definitely don’t have to.

The issue here is how you are talking about what you are not wearing in your head. If you are wishing you could, then you should. Those words are your cue to take action. Because the truth here is, you CAN wear shorts/that vest/dress/skirt like those, all you have to do is… put them on.

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Don’t be swayed by the “perfect” image
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

Don’t be swayed by the “perfect” image

Society has always brought out new trends for us women to follow, no matter how bizarre some of them are, the majority seem to do it as they don’t want to be judged for not following the crowd. Which could mean doing some interesting things to our hair, skin and body which aren’t always healthy for us, physically or psychologically.

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No negative talk!
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

No negative talk!

We want all of you, yes ALL, to feel empowered. To feel confident about your body. To stop feeling you ‘have to hide’ behind baggy clothes or feeling you must be covered all the time. You don’t!

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It’s not just about the shorts
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

It’s not just about the shorts

Our ‘Wear the Shorts’ campaign isn’t just about shorts - it’s about wearing the dress, or vest top, or skirt, or anything else that you would like to wear, but think you can’t…

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Wearing the shorts - a “how to” guide
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

Wearing the shorts - a “how to” guide

It's been hot, hot, hot! So, it means it's shorts weather (even indoors!) but so many of us don't have that confidence to go out and wear shorts outside of the house/garden. Don't let all that noise in your head make you think you shouldn't wear shorts!

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Women are freeing themselves, one item of clothing at a time....
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

Women are freeing themselves, one item of clothing at a time....

We have record numbers of you lovely lot turning up to your workouts in your shorts AND (gasp!) going to Tesco afterwards without an inch of embarrassment. Out in the wider world we also had Florence Pugh wearing a (truly beautiful) sheer Valentino dress WITH NO BRA, small breasts (how dare she) and nipples for all to see!

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We’re still talking about shorts
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

We’re still talking about shorts

We're not letting this go and today sees the launch of our "Wear the Shorts" campaign! Now, don't get me wrong, you don't HAVE to wear the shorts if you don't want to, and it doesn't have to be shorts, anything where you question whether you "should" wear it, whether you have the "right" body parts for it, whether you have "good enough" anything to wear it applies here.

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What to wear… when it’s hot
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

What to wear… when it’s hot

Summer is well and truly here, which means it’s time to dust off those summer clothes and wear them! All the vibrant colours, fun patterns and options out there! Just so many to choose from. Clothing is a great way to express who you are, whilst having a lot of fun with it.
But for many, this time of the year can be hard.

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Shhhhhhh - can you hear it?
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

Shhhhhhh - can you hear it?

People say it all the time—“listen to your body.” Some people feel really in tune with their bodies, others feel like they’re completely disconnected. Sometimes the phrase feels like it’s lost its meaning altogether. To listen to your body means that when your body is feeling something, anything, you should actually consider that a signal for something

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5 minutes to instant energy
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

5 minutes to instant energy

In our modern age (especially post-pandemic) it can really feel as if we are constantly inside, which can soon become very draining and tiring, both physically and mentally, especially for those who are staring at a screen for hours on end.

That's why getting your daily fix of fresh air is super important, now more than ever!

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Quiet a busy mind
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

Quiet a busy mind

A practical way to quiet your mind

Take 5 minutes for yourself to relax with my new favourite way to de-stress, or, if you've got young ones at home for half term get them to join in and see what you create!

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Q: Who’s looking after you?
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

Q: Who’s looking after you?

It can be so easy to put yourself on the back burner. To focus on everyone and everything else. To make sure whoever it is, is doing well, is OK and looked after.

But who is putting you first? Who is making sure you’re taken care of? That you’re doing well?

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“F” words!
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

“F” words!

It’s not win, or lose

I can’t tell you how often we, as Coaches, have to deal with “F” words…. It starts with the first F.

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